Hear From Our Customers
These products have been a game changer! I am outranking my competitors on every level and more importantly getting tons of customers in the door from the increased reviews.
Mike Catell Entrepreneur
The TAPPFunnels SMARTSign is easy to use with just a simple tap of a smartphone, your customers can instantly leave 5-star Google Reviews with ease. Start climbing the ranks of Google and growing your online reputation with TAPPFunnels Google Review Generation Signs.
$67 + Free Shipping
Stay Ahead of the Competition.
Make Google Reviews Easy & Fun.
By Standing out on Google
Stay Ahead of the Competition.
Make Google Reviews Easy & Fun.
By Standing out on Google
Its as simple as tapping your phone to the TAPPFunnels SMARTSign, and clicking the redirect.
You will be redirected to TAPPFunnels then to the google review page.
Write a Google review and submit it. It is as simple as that.
Free Shipping
Your TAPPFunnels Virtual Google Review Generator is link to your SMART product(s) upon arrival. Anyone can tap their smartphone to the sign or scan the QR code and the customer will be directed to leave your business a 5-star review.
Google reviews are your first impression for any potential new customers. 80% of consumers choose businesses based on their Google Reviews and Google ranking.
Though SMART products are not 100% necessary to gain Google Reviews for your business, they do make collecting them a seamless process. Instead of asking customers to leave you a review and leaving it up to them, with TAPPFunnels SMART products they can simply tap their smartphone and leave you a review with no room for confusion.
TAPPFunnels Google Review Generator is not the perfect solution. This is a tool designed to assist businesses who have great customer service and want to translate that to Google Reviews. If your business is not committed to having excellent customer service then this is not the product for you.
Your order will be delivered within 14 business days. Once you receive your TAPPFunnels SMART product(s) they will fully programed and ready to use.
YES, 90% of smartphones in circulation have NFC technology, and 100% of smartphones in circulation can scan QR codes.
After you make a purchase, on the thank you page there will be a button to take you to the correct onboarding form. As well an email will sent to the inbox of the email you provided containing a link to the onboarding form.
This process is done on the corresponding onboarding form as your purchase. These links can be found on the thank you page after your purchase or inside your welcome email.
These products have been a game changer! I am outranking my competitors on every level and more importantly getting tons of customers in the door from the increased reviews.
Claim A FREE Virtual Google Review Generator & QR Code